Wordpress site revision help

What You'll Do: 

Woodberry Aid has a Wordpress that needs a total overhaul and relaunch, which will need a designer and copywriter . From organising a the site structure and menus through to designing the pages, and writing and rewrriting copy, you will be working with an active and diverse community group. 

Why You'll Love It: 

This is a warm and welcoming community of local residents who care for one another, to which you'll be contributing. The work has value to what they do and will be a showcase to help them attract support, donations and funding.

What You'll Learn: 

You'll learn to work with a client and produce a live site that creates an understanding of the people and their needs.

What We're Looking For: 

Enthusiasm, initiatrive, teamwork

Older People
Social Care
4 Weeks Minimum
0 Hours / Week
Skills you will develop: 
Curious and enquiring
Emotional intelligence
Skills you should possess: 
Relevant interests: 
Charity / Nonprofit
Marketing and Advertising
Statement of Motivation

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