Newington Green Alliance
Newington Green Alliance - originating in and inspired by the radical history of London's Newington Green area, is committed to building connection and understanding across differences. Our local communities and our world are divide by class, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender and many more differences. NGA helps to show us all that we are better together.

NGA is a small charity that aims to make a big difference in local areas.  We are creative and daring. We are open to ideas and leadership from everyone and anyone. We want our volunteers to thrive with us and go on to do great things in the world.


In a world riven by divisions of all kinds, nothing can be as important or as impactful is developing understanding, compassion, respect, and mutuality across differences.

Bravery We are happy to think outside the box and recognise failure as a learning experience and a necessity for doing new things.
EQUITY We want to create a community that includes everyone and challenges racism, classism, ableism, xenophobia and other prejudices and systems of oppression whilst seeking to understand and embrace differences in belief, disability, race, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, and sexual orientation. 
COMPASSION We care about suffering whenever, to whoever, and wherever it occurs.
OPENNESS We aspire to be clear, direct, open and honest with volunteers, funders, partners, and the community we serve. We listen first to understand different lived experiences.
MUTUALITY We aim to collaborate as a team and with other organisations, in turn encouraging mutual aid and support within the area we serve.
EMPOWERMENT We strive to help volunteers and others in the community we serve to develop the ability to help themselves and foster leadership to help others.

Our Opportunities

Outreach Volunteer
Newington Green Alliance
Min. 26 Weeks Minimum weeks
Outreach Volunteer
Crime and Violence, Families, Older People, Poverty, Social Care

NGA, a Hackney and Islington charity, builds community unity. Join our Outreach Team to create inclusive communities. Volunteers identify needs, advise on strategies, and foster connections.

Project Volunteer
Newington Green Alliance
Min. 26 Weeks Minimum weeks
Project Volunteer
Crime and Violence, Culture, Mental Health, Social Care

Join the 'What Are They Thinking?' (WATT) project, where we combat bias and nurture empathy by bringing diverse individuals together to share and listen to their lived experiences.