Haven House Children’s Hospice cares for seriously ill babies and children (up to the age of 18) by creating a loving and warm environment for them and their families while they go through the toughest of times.
No family should have to face alone the difficulties of looking after a child with a serious illness. Haven House provides round the clock care at our hospice, surrounded in beautiful grounds and woodland, in Woodford Green and through our outreach services in the home and local community. We provide; day care, over-night stays, end of life care, bereavement support, as well as life enriching activities such as sensory play, music therapy and physiotherapy.
We provide care and support where and when our families need us. Hospice care does not mean that a child is near to the end of their life, we are here from the time a devastating diagnosis is made to help our families have choice, quality of life and to make the most of the precious time they have together.
We are always in awe of the incredible strength, courage and personalities of the children and families that we support here at Haven House. We know how important our services are to these families, and we look forward to expanding what we do to care even more effectively for the babies, children and young people that are already known to us, expanding the community of families we reach and also working collaboratively with our partners to improve the way that we work together to improve the quality of lives of our beneficiaries. Volunteers help us add value to our organisation in a number of ways and ensure that our important work can continue.
Our Opportunities
Our retail shop plays a vital role in raising funds and awareness for our cause. As a shop volunteer you are among the most visible faces of the charity and contribute hugely to how the public perceive us and the work we do.
Volunteer to support the siblings of the Children who use Haven House and assist with various activities in school holidays.