We run 3 free legal advice clinics in north London (N10 and N22). We have vacancies for bar students to volunteer up to 3 hours a week to assist our volunteer solicitors and barristers, with the potential for representing clients in employment and social security tribunals, and supporting clients as McKenzie Friends in court. We’re a friendly team of volunteers and cover a wide range of civil and administrative law issues. For more details see our website www.stjameslegaladvice.org and contact our manager Ann Jenkins Manager@stjameslegaladvice.org with your CV.
We provide free legal advice and assitance to our means tested clients, many of whom are vulnerable and who have no other access to legal support. Needs include housing disprepair, benefit claims, employment disputes, family issues and consumer. In 2023 we assisted nearly 450 clients with advice and assistance.
Professionalism, commitment, attention to detail, empathy and willingness to learn.
We are the only free walk in legal advice and assistance clinic in Haringey. We have a crack team of advisers - former judges, senior solicitors and barristers - as well has a highly motivated team of law students. We run on a shoe string - largey funded through our own fund-raising efforts. We're proud of the service we provide.